Friday, 4 November 2011

Drip Coffee ドリップ式コーヒー

I have no trendy NESPRESSO, NESCAFE Dolce-Gusto nor The Coffeebean and Tea Leaf expresso machines at home. This is my equally tasty alternative - KEY COFFEE DRIP ON VARIETY PACK!! The packaging is kind of cute too!

オシャレなNESPRESSOマシーンは持っていないけど、ドリップ式コーヒーで十分だと思う!!( ゚▽゚)/
KEY COFFEE webstore
Each pack has 2 x 6 different types, of which one type is a limited edition. The following limited editions (Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC and Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC Rich Taste) are genius. I'm no pro so I'm unable to describe the taste, but these are just too great!! Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC was the limited edition for the last round, but looks like it's here to stay. YAY! Hence the slightly different design on its blue package!?

2 x 6タイプが入っていて、その中の1タイプは期間限定品。限定の「横浜1920CLASSIC」は天才だと思う。プロじゃないのでうまく説明できないけど、「横浜」シリーズはとにかくすごい!w
Left to right: Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC (when still a limited edition),
Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC and new limited edition - Yokohama 1920 CLASSIC Rich Taste.
Around $12 at Meidi-ya and Isetan!

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