Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Cafe Ma Maison's Christmas Chocolate Mousse Tart ♥ カフェマ・メゾンのチョコレートムーズタルト

これって史上最強のクリスマスデザートかも!! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆ カフェマ・メゾン(シンガポール店)の手作りチョコレートムーズタルト!!

"Sweet snowy icing as if it was Christmas inside my mouth", "an assortment of fillings dancing in my mouth".  NO!! Expect none of these typical blogger moments. I'll make this simple. The Christmas dessert that you're about to see is perhaps the awesomest Christmas cake (or rather a tart) EVER.

Introducing Cafe Ma Maison's made by the hand Chocolate Mousse Tart!! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆
Chocolate Mousse Tart チョコレートムースタルト
 15cm at $36.50
No snowy icing or hop step jump whatever, only a tart made of MAGIC!! (So not exaggerated!! (*≧▽≦) )
バターのいい香りするふわふわパリパリなタルト/ケーキベースと、苦すぎないダークチョコと甘すぎないミルクチョコムーズを全部一口で味わえるこのタルトは・・・魔法のカタマリやーーーー!!ww (≧∇≦)たまりませんな~♪ 期間限定なのでチョコ大好きの方は早く注文すれば♪


It's magical because it's like a four-course dessert in one. In a single bite you'll taste the sticky dark chocolate, then the fluffy chocolate mousse, next a soft and chewy cake-base, and finish off with the crispy butter crust. Each taste is distinct and compliments the others. Was it already mentioned that the main chocolate portions are made with Valrhona Chocolate? ♥ Virtually everything on the plate is edible, except the candle and the chime decoration. Information on how to get your hands on this homemade holiday treat (and other awesome stuff) is available on Ma Maison's facebook page. 

Cafe Ma Maison is on the first floor of PARCO Marina Bay (Millenia Walk).


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