Thursday 5 January 2012

First Shopping of the Year!! 初買い

シンガポールには「初売り」はないがNew Year's Dayに初の買い物した!!wwコルセット風ベルト付きシフォンマキシスカートだゾ!!Girlyも、Rockもいろんなスタイルが出来ちゃうとっても使いやすい万能スカートかな (o^ー^)o♪

Unlike Japan, there's no such sale as "Hatsu-uri" (first sale of the year) in Singapore. Anyway, Sacchi and I did "Hatsu-kai" (first shopping of the year) on 1st January. Here's my Hatsu-kai item - Long Chiffon Skirt with a corset belt attached. With this multi-functional skirt I can do many types of styling including Girly and also, contrary to popular belief, Rock style too.

写真ではうまく写らなかったけどシフォンの部分がうすきいろになってて、ちょうどっていうか偶然今年春のテーマと一致している!Zipperが「春はシャーベットカラーなしでは始まらない!」んだってよ。ww 初買いのスカートはまさにシャーベット・Pastel系だったね。( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

The light yellow colour of this skirt coincides with 2012 Spring's theme - Sherbet (pastel) Colours. Sherbet coloured items are introduced in Zipper's February 2012 issue, together with other HIT-forecasts like Retro and Romantic styles. (Seems like Rosebullet is bringing in Sherbet coloured items too!!)

If you're interested in Girly and Mori-Girl styles, I'd recommend this very shop that I've bought this awesome skirt from - Sugar Cube at Changi Airport. Please check at the end this post for more information ne!!

Zipper Feb 2012
Girly系、森ガール系の服が好きな買ったは、このスカートを購入した店を行って見てね。Lowry's Farm, Earth Music & Ecologyの服もちょっとだけ置いてるよ。☆

Sugar Cube
Changi Airport Singapore Terminal 3
Public Area, Basement 2



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