Thursday, 23 February 2012

Marugame Udon at Mito-Uchihara!! シンガポール→水戸:丸亀で初ランチ♪

なんやかんやでシンガポールから無事で水戸に着いた♪ うどんが超食べたくなったから、イオン水戸内原の丸亀うどんへ行ってきた!!!ネギだくさんのかけうどん+かきあげ+ちくわてん+丸醤屋の餃子!!うどん+餃子でちょっと不思議なコンビネーションだけど大好きな食べ物が一つの場所で食べられて幸せがいっぱいだ♪♪♪また行きたいな♪

At Mito, the capital city of Ibaraki in Japan now!! The first lunch I had was udon at Marugame AEON Mito-Uchihara♪ Here's my kake-udon entirely covered in spring onions and tempura bits, with huge side orders of vegetable kakiage and chikuwa tempura. Added on gyoza from Marushoya (sister shop of Marugame's) and made it the most awesome lunch ever.

Marugame udon x Marushoya Gyoza

ちなみにシンガポールでよく出てる「うどん」はこんな感じ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ おいしいけど、ネギがなさ過ぎて、泣いてるように見えるwww

By the way here's a typical udon you can find in Singapore. The taste is not bad, check out the spring onions, they're so little they are crying. Receive also alien stares if you ask for ginger to go with your udon.

シンガポールのうどんです。A "Singapore" udon.
(photo by bookjunkie)
Find Marugame online→ official website (JP)
Facebook: 丸亀製麺 (JP) Marukame Udon (EN/Honolulu, Hawaii)

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