Saturday, 16 January 2016

Kyawanos x Sherry London x The Aisle Bridal

Wedding photos finally received end-November 2015, just in time for our wedding in end-December! Here's one of five sets we've shot, a special collaboration with Sherry London!

結婚式の前撮り写真は、2015年12月の披露宴の直前に届き、間に合った♪ 合計5セットを撮影したが、ここでSherry Londonシェリー・ロンドンとのスペシャル・コラボをお見せしちゃう!!!

Recap: Sherry London, is an online boutique based in London, specialising in bridesmaid dresses, and dresses for special and formal occasions. Dresses are custom made to fit and international shipping available for most countries. Sherry London's collection is huge, so there's bound to be something you like!
It was the first time I even attempted wearing an elegant dress (I just don't look good!) Fortunately there were so many beautiful items at SherryLondon's, meaning, there's definitely something for me. It took awhile to shortlist one from their huge collection, and then I decided, THIS↓↓↓(Link)

イギリス・ロンドン発オンラインブティック「シェリー・ロンドン」→手作りパーティードレス、ブライズメイドドレスなのエレガント/ フォーマル系ドレスのオンライン専門店。国際発送あり!コレクションがとにかく膨大で、かわいいものがいっぱい♪ 前撮りの直前、シェリー・ロンドンからアプローチがあったので、スタジオにお願いし、ショートドレスも撮影 してもらったよん! 

Remember this?
Turned out like this! *applause*

If you are wondering where the set was shot, it's Changi Boardwalk (Changi Beach, near Changi Beach Club), recommended by our nice driver uncle.


Most of the staff and guests who saw the photos thought the dress and simple white suit were absolutely appropriate for our evening setting. As the dress I was wearing was already very detailed and elaborate, it was better to keep hair styling and accessories to the minimal.


ドレス・Dress: Sherry London (Link) / UK10 or M 着用
クリスタルチョーカー・Crystal choker: Makeup artist's own メークさん私物
シューズ・Shoes: Fig & Viper

On the wedding day in end-December, it was so much more busy than I expected. I didn't have an opportunity to wear 2 sets of dresses, inclusive of one of my own rented Chinese tea dress and the featured Sherry London's dress. I did bring it with me though in case I had any husband even made sure that we brought it along! (I swear it was in my suitcase for the whole 60 hours we were at our event place/hotel!)

Although I wasn't able to wear your dress in person on that day, to my surprise, quite a lot of people asked "where's the burgundy/red dress?" "where did you get it?" "are you wearing it later?" when they saw my album displayed at the hotel. Thanks to Sherry London, there were so much compliments!

披露宴当日のランチタイムにもドレス着るつもりだったけど、残念なのことで、当日想像よりいろいろ準備が忙しくて、ランチを食べるも時間なかった。結局ド レスを着ることはなかったが、ゲストたちからは「あれぇ?赤い・バーガンディーのショートドレスは?それも今日着るの?どこで買ったの?かわいいよ!」みた いな質問が多かったよ。コラボが大成功ってワケかな?w

I lost a bit of weight since July 2015 till now, so I'll ask my mum to tailor it smaller, in order to wear it again to  a "Great Gatsby" theme party or formal occasions - just add on more glam accessories!

前撮り~2016年1月現在の間に、少し痩せたので、ドレスがちょっとゆるくなっちゃった。これからは、うちのお母さんに頼んで、小さくしてもらえ、別のイベントに使いたいと思いまーすぅ!♪ 豪華なアクセを付けたら、グレート・ギャツビーのテーマーパーティーなどゴージャスなとこでまだまだ活躍できそう!可能性がいっぱいな一着!♥ 
Not this Gatsby.

On this note, cheers to Sherry London, The Aisle Bridal studio staff, Make-up artist Li Shi, and team BFFs for making my wedding day a success! Can't thank you guys more!!

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