味は店で売ってるのと全然変わらない♪ もちろんたまご、キャベツとねぎはセットには含まれていませんw 店ではいつも15倍(から)のつけめんの並を注文してたけど、セットだからつけたれの辛さは限られてて、ちょっと残念↓↓ セットの辛さはたぶんマックスで5倍ぐらいかな?ww 辛さはちょっと足りないけど、家で懐かしいグルメが食べられるってとっても幸せ!!
Something spicy and oishii I received from my lovely and mysterious "Somebody from Hiroshima" about a week ago - Bakudanya's Hiroshima Tsukemen set!! Thank you my lovely Somebody!!♪ Hiroshima Tsukemen is one great Hiroshima cuisine that has been getting too little attention (since Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki and Momiji-manju Maple cakes have been getting more air-time).
The tsukemen is cold noodles served with a spicy sauce. You can choose whatever toppings you'd like to have, but a typical plate of tsukemen is served with char siew, egg, cucumber, cabbage and spring onions. The level of spicyness can also be adjusted according to your liking. I usually order Level 15 onwards at the actual shop. But since what I have now is a box-set, the level of spicyness is limited to whatever that I can find in the box, which is probably around a maximum of Level 5. That's a bit disappointing but that's ok, because I can eat my favourite Hiroshima food in Singapore, in my own room!!♪♪
Made this from the box set♪ |
左のイメージはばくだんやの店で使われてるメニュー。辛さのチャートも付いてるよ。他のお客さんは大体10倍までを注文してたけど、いきなり店に入ってきて、「50倍下さい」って言う人も店で一回会った。自分は30倍(右のイメージの一番右のやつ)を1回注文してみたけど、つけたれがすごく赤くてとろっとろになってた。最初の一口はなんともなかったけど、あとから・・・KARAI!!!wwww 今度からは22倍ぐらいまでにしとく。wwwちなみに、辛いのが大好きな方は、15倍~22倍までがおすすめだよ~←Recommended by リッチ&つっち www
Check this really cool hand-writing style menu, found only at actual Bakudanya shops.(Left) Besides food items, it shows also a spicyness level chart at the bottom. At the shop, I've heard people ordering mostly up to level 10, but once, I've met someone who came into the shop and asked for a 50 immediately. Like, DUDE, YOU SERIOUS? I tried a 30, the dip sauce served was red and sticky (right image, right-most bowl). The first sip tasted ordinary, then the hot stuff kicked in after 2-3 seconds!! If you like spicy stuff, Ricchi and Tsucchi recommend around level 15 to 22!! ♥
A must-try if you're dropping by Hiroshima!! If you're only zooming by on the Sanyo Shinkansen (bullet train), remember to visit their shop located conveniently within JR Hiroshima (Shinkansen side) -
ばくだん屋 広島駅新幹線口店
Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima, Minami Ward, Matsubaracho, 1-2
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Bakudanya Global Site
Bakudanya Japan site (with more shop locations)
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