Monday, 18 May 2015

Sarpok Local Artists!

Received couple of hello mails and a collab invite in the last two weeks and almost cried. Like my leader at work always says "whoever talk to us are our ally". Therefore, thank you my dear allies♥  Please please please feel free to approach me for any writing/graphic design/fashion styling stuff.

(I'm no longer an employee of some Tokyo online store so I can't and don't, sponsor clothes for bloggers anymore, nor send me your styling photos for 2012/2013 collections. To make it a little more explicit,  "Now*Idon't*Style".) 

To the topic - SAPOK LOCAL ARTISTS! "Sapok" is the Singlish (colloquial English) equivalent of "Support". Today's piece was done up by my one of my kohai-s (junior) from my part-time-times, now talented local (Singaporean) independent designer/artist Sarah Thursday! Her designs are all so pretty I had a hard time choosing what I wanted to get! Click on her name above for FB or here to visit her at her online store. Ships Worldwide!

The piece I eventually chose from the sea of awesomeness was "Mortality", a collaboration with her local designer friend Ultra Violets. I like how the goldfish is swimming through the astronaut dude. All her stuff on sale are also printed in Singapore, so you don't have to worry about the quality. The tee is so comfortable and I've been wearing it, with a pencil skirt, to my office even on Mondays!

"HEYYY I thought you no longer work in fashion?!"

Anyway, this coordinate is good for your, what you call that, Coachella, Rochella  or Coachformelah or whatever upcoming Notformelah music festivals, which I don't care lah. It's good because you'd be able to hike through the mountains without tripping on long skirts. The only thing bad is you probably gonna end up donating to blood mosquitoes. Whatevs, charity! (Click here for another music festival coordinate from my Now*Ican*Style era.)
Ribbon from Joelle Gagnard and garter belt from Fig&Viper.

Sorry for not taking a proper photos with shoes, but I recommend this coordinate with a trusty pair of UNIFs (or other red/black/white/violet creepers). Don't attempt to hike in them, though.
Come back and visit me again soon!

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